Bespoke, accurate and reliable studies
Ad-hoc studies result from the request of a customer with a specific requirement (market, operator, product consumption, distribution, etc.) and in line with a precise set of specifications approved by the contracting party.
In order to deal with requests covering a wide variety of topics, GIRA Foodservice follows a simple philosophy: only to carry out studies in its areas of expertise.
In general, carrying out an ad-hoc study is a more complex process and the customer expects accurate, reliable results that can be used to set the company's strategic objectives: an ad-hoc project must therefore be of the very highest quality. The results of such a project will also depend on the professionalism, technical expertise and commitment of the team involved.
With its extensive experience in the restaurant and catering market, GIRA Foodservice offers ad-hoc research services in the following areas of expertise:
Contact us to define the best methodology to investigate your product categories.
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