GIRA Foodservice

Innovative European Foodservice Experts

Database of Food and Beverage Wholesalers in France

3,200 wholesalers in France

Target the distributors for your product referencing
To target the wholesalers for your product promotion and referencing.

Food and Beverage Wholesalers in France

We provide the following sequence of information for each wholesaler:

  • full details of the company
  • turnover evolution
  • customer portfolio
  • product portfolio
  • sales practices

By creating standardised databases for each wholesaler category, entries can be selected and sorted on the basis of pre-defined criteria (regions, turnover level etc….).



GIRA Foodservice

+33 (0)450 201 635

18, avenue Marcel Anthonioz - BP 28 - 01220 Divonne-les-Bains - France
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