Promotion of branding
Vending machines are a way of distributing beverages (both hot and cold) and snack products.
Competition from fast food and takeaway outlets has probably contributed to the slow-down in the number of new vending machines installed, but this form of sale remains significant in the social Foodservice (factories, offices, education...), transport and retail sectors. They are located in all kinds of consumption site, in particular at workplaces, on transport locations etc….
At the same time, vending machine management has become an increasingly professional discipline, with 80% of vending machines managed by specialist management companies. These companies are responsible for maintaining, repairing and stocking the machines. This trends towards specialised management has gone hand-in-hand with major restructuring operations and external growth, including the emergence of national operators, which cater to the needs of national customers.
GIRA's research in this area aims to provide the full range of economic figures for this market:
Base de données des gestionnaires de distribution automatique France
Vérités et contre vérités du marché de la Distribution Automatique en France
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